Review Last Week’s Trait
Each time you sit down for a Character Trades session, start with a quick review of the “character trait of the week” that you discussed last time.
Do a quick review with:
Which character trait did we talk about last time?
Do you remember the definition of that trait?
What was something we learned about that trait? (Remind kids of an activity, story, illustration, song or rhyme that you did together last time).
Introduce This Week’s Trait
Hold up a Character Trades poster, playing card or magnet that shows this week’s character trait.
Talk through the definition of the trait including the definition and its opposite.
Today, we’re talking about Courage.
Courage is: Doing what is right, even if I feel afraid.
The opposite of Courage is Fear.
Listen Rather Than Lecture
An important part of Character Trades is discussion. Think of yourself as a facilitator of the conversation, starting it and helping it flow. Listen well, respond and guide.
Ask Good Questions
When was the last time you demonstrated (character trait)?
Who do you think of when you hear the word (character trait)?
Does showing (character trait) feel hard to you? Why or why not?
What would help someone be better at (character trait)?
What do you think is the opposite of (character trait)?
What movie or TV show have you seen where (positive trait) or (negative trait) took place?
Let’s think of a time when we noticed (family member) showing (positive trait).
Keep It Interactive
Holding kids’ attention isn’t always easy. They’ll generally learn best through play and activity. The more ways kids engage their senses, the deeper the content will sink in.
Use a rhyme or song. Have the kids chant, sing, clap and dance.
Keep their hands busy. Let kids color and draw or put together a puzzle while you chat. They’re still listening!
Let kids do the teaching. Have them explain it to you rather than you explaining it to them.
Role play. Practice scenarios with your kids to help them experience making good character choices. “So let’s pretend that I’m having trouble with (negative trait)...”
Let them be creative. As part of a discussion, have everyone draw a picture that demonstrates a positive character trait and/or its negative counterpart.
Use a real-life physical object for them to see and touch.
Be Real
Use personal examples from your own life. Share as much about your failures as your successes.
Make Connections
Talking about character can be a bit abstract for kids. Some of the words and definitions will stretch their vocabulary. (That's a good thing.)
It's important to bring the discussion down to their daily life. Use stories, analogies, real-life scenarios, or examples from their favorite TV shows.
Here's an example discussion about Self-Control:
Self-Control is a lot like driving a car. When someone drives a car, can they drive crazy all over the road and go as fast as they want? Why not?
(Because it's against the law.)
But what if they really want to drive on the wrong side of the road?
(They can't. They would cause a wreck and could hurt someone.)
That's right. The opposite of Self-Control is Recklessness -- doing what I feel like doing without caring how it might hurt someone else.
Self-Control is about keeping you and other people SAFE. Like driving a car, we need to slow down and think about things before we do them. That keeps you and other people from getting hurt.
Let's say the definition of Self-Control out loud. Repeat it after me: "Choosing to do what is right when I feel like doing wrong."
And what's the key to Self-Control? Slow down and think. Good!
Review and Reinforce
At the end of your time, have the kids repeat this week’s character trait and definition out loud together.
Use Visual Reminders
Use Character Trades posters and magnets as a visual reminder of which character trait you’re focusing on this week.