Everyone is different.
Character Trades celebrates our unique strengths and weaknesses. Based on the 4 basic personality types (Choleric, Melancholy, Sanguine and Phlegmatic), Character Trades includes 4 sets of character traits to help kids grow in interpersonal skills. Each set has 9 strengths more commonly found with each personality type.
Character Trades is based on the strengths and weaknesses of 4 basic personality types.
Love with Boldness (Choleric)
Choleric personalities are natural-born leaders (often first-born children) who tend toward strong opinions, quick decisions, action and independence.
The 9 strengths in this set focus on loving other people by boldly choosing to do what is right. The central characteristic in this set is Courage.
Love with Goodness (Melancholy)
Melancholy personalities are logical, reserved, deep thinkers who usually excel at doing things with precision and excellence.
The 9 strengths in this set focus on loving other people by carefully choosing to control yourself. The central characteristic in this set is Self-Control.
Love with Joy (Sanguine)
Sanquine personalities are naturally optimistic, fun-loving, social and talkative. They bring light-hearted enjoyment and inclusiveness to those around them.
The 9 strengths in this set focus on loving other people by joyfully choosing to focus on the positive. The central characteristic in this set is Positivity.
Love with Peace (Phlegmatic)
Phlegmatic personalities are quiet, friendly, loyal and easy going. They are patient and even-tempered.
The 9 strengths in this set focus on loving other people by humbly choosing to serve and give. The central characteristic in this set is Service.
Personality types work in opposites.
Sanguines and melancholies have opposite strengths and weaknesses.
Sanguines live joyfully carefree and spontaneous. Which means they are opposites of Melacholies, who are more pessimistic, rigid and non-expressive.
Melancholies can be counted on to do the right thing, show up on time, and handle details. But Sanguines tend to be forgetful, late and unreliable.
Cholerics and phlegmatics have opposite strengths and weaknesses.
Cholerics are great for making quick decisions, standing up to injustice and pushing through to the end. That contrasts with Phlegmatics, who are indecisive, timid and more easily swayed by the crowd.
Phlegmatics have a kind, gentle nurturing way that makes them good listeners and counselors. Cholerics have little patience and can come across rather harsh, rushed and demanding.
One goal of Character Trades is to recognize your need for other people. It's easy to celebrate your own strengths and nitpick at other people's weaknesses. But real growth happens when we are courageous enough to address our own weaknesses. Then we can draw on the strengths of people around us. We can learn from their example and become a more balanced, well-liked person.